My Favorite Things

Giving gifts is probably one of my favorite things, but I realized I only enjoy it if I feel like it’s a good gift. I really try to give gifts that the person would actually want, and because of this, I find myself often stressing out so much that I end up putting too much…

Grief & The Holidays

It came out of nowhere yesterday. Some would say it comes over you like a wave. For me, wave doesn’t seem to fit. Waves you can see coming. Yes, at times a slow roll, but you know eventually it’s going to crash. I’d say for me it was like a bolt of lightning. It came…

comfort zones

comfort zones

I told my husband months ago that I felt something was coming in my life.. a shift, a change, I wasn’t sure. I could tell that I was on the brink of something, but I just didn’t know what that looked like. As someone who is typically incredibly scared of change and stepping outside the…